Wallpaper removal; Best tips on how to remove wallpaper and keep your sanity

Obviously, we love the varied looks that can be achieved through decorating with wallpaper.

But, sometimes, wallpaper removal needs to take place before new decorating can occur.

Wallpaper has often been given a bad reputation because people think that it is difficult to get off the wall. If it has been installed properly in the first place, most wallpaper will come down easily.

If you would like to tackle this job yourself; here are some important tips for removing wallpaper.

  1. Lay drop cloths over carpet and anything else you want to protect. Moving furniture out of the room to be stripped will make your life easier. The key to easy wallpaper removal is to make sure that the wallpaper is thoroughly soaked with water; so also put down plastic sheets before you lay down drop cloths.

    Shut off all circuit breakers to any room outlets and lights. Remove covers from outlets and switch plates, and keep them and their screws in a safe place.
  2. If you're lucky, some paper may already be loose and you can just start peeling. Once you have removed the top layer of paper, the brown backing paper will be left, and you can proceed to Step 4.
  3. The key to easy wallpaper removal is to loosen the glue underneath. If the paper does not come loose, then it may be necessary to perforate the surface with a wallpaper scoring tool like the PaperTiger Scoring Tool. The PaperTiger perforates the wallpaper without damaging the wall to allow wallpaper stripper to penetrate through the paper.
  4. After perforating the wallpaper, spray warm water on the walls starting at the top and working your way down, using a garden sprayer, sponge or roller. You can add ordinary fabric detergent or white vinegar to the water to help make the removal easier. If the paper has been put up with out priming the wall first and is well and truly stuck then you may need to add a professional Wallpaper Stripper like DIF. Let the water solution soak for at least 15 to 20 minutes. When the wallpaper turns a dark color or starts to bubble it is ready to be removed.
  5. Remove loosened wallpaper by using a Wall Scraper or putty knife.
  6. If there is still glue remaining behind, you can use more solution to wash down the walls. Scrape away glue residue, then wipe down the walls with a damp sponge. Do not overly wet the walls or portions of your drywall beneath may give way, needing to be filled in more with plaster and sanded down. Let the walls dry.
  7. After all excess glue has been removed you’re ready to start redecorating! 

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