Learn more about the faux effects of Stoney Brook Torn Paper

Stoney Brook Torn Paper: If your customers are torn between using paint or wallpaper – with the operative word being “torn” – you can lead them to a satisfying solution. The solution is torn paper, a medium that allows the professional installers and even DIYers to create distinctive faux effects. A multitude of effects can be achieved from the product lines of torn-paper suppliers. Stoney Brook Wallcovering, for instance, offers effects ranging from multi-layer faux finishes to faux marble, faux stone, faux leather, harlequin patterns, distressed crackle, patinas and metallics. According to William Lorimer, the company’s CFO, each order of Stoney Brook paper is custom-made to the client specifications. Accents, such as veining or leafing, can be added to any selection. A standard palette of nearly 100 colors is available. “We can also create custom colors and styles if the client cannot find what they are looking for in our standard collection, making our color selection virtually endless”, Lorimer reported. Stoney Brook offers a choice of two substrates –brown, which is the most common, and black. “Depending on the direction that you tear the paper, or by simply pulling the paper apart, you are able to achieve different looks,” Lorimer explained.

A New Dimension Torn paper- effects have added a new look to the portfolio of professional paperhangers and faux painters. But the process also is accessible to the do-it-yourselfers. Lorimer reported that the application of Stoney Brook paper is similar to the application of traditional wallpaper. The pieces, which are applied with standard wallpaper paste, are arranged in a random overlapping pattern. The process is much less time consuming and labor intensive that the typical faux painting project, according to Lorimer, and the product offers the advantage of easy repairability as well. “With Stoney Brook paper if the wall becomes damaged, the homeowner can simply paste a new piece and cover up the damaged area,” Lorimer said. “ There’s no need to pull out all the different colors of paints, the paint brushes, the drop cloth and other tools.” In most instances, Stoney Brook paper is pre-torn into manageable size pieces before it is shipped. However, clients who want a more contemporary look can request their orders cut into diamonds, squares, circles, triangles – or they can order a full sheet,” Lorimer reported. 

Stoney Brook stirs the creativity of stencil artisans and muralist, who decide not only wall, but also ceilings, furniture, floors, countertops and accessories. “It makes a great palette for the artist,” Lorimer said. One of our clients had a muralist paint grapes and vines on the paper as well as the names of the wines – Merlot, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, etc. – around the soffit in the kitchen. We have also had customer order different color of papers and cut them into shapes –flower petals, clouds, etc. – to decorate the room.”

This page only contains partial exerts from the Article, the entire article can be found in the January 2005 issue of the Paint and Decorating Retailer. 1-800-737-0107 

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